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Breeding Stock For Sale


Proven Boar

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Red Roof KuneKunes Tuahuru 7 - Salvatore
AKKPS 10444 Camanna Tuhahuru 18 x Camanna Tarutaru 3
Wattles: 2  Teats:                Weight: 315# on 9/13/24
DOB: 02/03/2020  Beautiful, sweet boar!                 $600


 AKKPS 19222    PIL Tuahuru 1 - Tippy 

RRK Tuahuru 7 X RRK Tapeka 1   DOB06/25/2021  340# on 9/13/24

 Ginger/ Black   Wattles: 2   Teat Line: 5/5            $500  - Grown and ready to go!  Could be paired with AKKPS 35962 Gilt.

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 AKKPS 30712  PIL Boris 9

MKONO Boris 1 x PIL Tapeka 1  

DOB: 11/13/22  Weight: 220# on 9/13/24

 Cream   Wattles: 0   Teats: 5/5 even                         $350 - Nice conformation!


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DMK Jenny 30 - Cinder
AKKPS 20812   MKONO Jenny 15 x MKONO Mahia Love 23
Wattles: 2  Teats:  6/6 even
DOB: 4/28/21  Weight: 263# on 9/13/24
1st Parity: Farrowed 10, weaned 9
Great Mom.   $600


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